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Feelin’ Good

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On my way to steal your man! lol Nah… Just off to get vaxxed.

So I got the vaccine today and I never thought there were any benefits to being slightly overweight but, in this case, unhealthy BMI for the win! 

Yes, my fat-ass literally made me eligible to get it. ( I really need to watch my self-talk btw. “Raise those vibrations, Ada!”)

Anyway, I get it, not everyone is about getting the shot and I have been listening to people’s concerns. Hell, I even had my own but you know what, it’s a personal choice and no one can make that decision for you.

So I’m off to get my shot because when this blog takes off the way I know it will, there will be lots of socializing and travel opportunities in my future and I can’t wait to meet new people and see the world!

I’m also wearing my flyest outfit to get it because when you look great you feel good right?!


Okay, it’s 12 hrs later and I feel like shit. 

It started with the chills, then my joints hurt and finally I felt flu-ish. I stayed in bed for most of the day and Tony came over to be my nurse.

He’s such a good boyfriend sometimes. I just wish that he wasn’t so insecure, (and weirdly, my butter always disappears whenever he’s here). That, and he spends an excessive amount of time in the basement doing who-knows-what. 

Anyways, gonna take a nap and see how I feel in a few hours.


Heyyyy fans! So it’s gonna take more than one little shot to keep me down!

It’s 24 hours later and I feel fine with all sniffles and symptoms gone! I mean, I haven’t been sick in like two years so maybe the vaccine was just a shock to my system? Who knows?

Since I’m feeling like myself again, I’m working on some great Keto recipes that’ll I’ll be sharing with you soon.

Did I mention that I’m a BAWSE in the kitchen?!

We’ll be cooking up a storm together where you can virtually help me recipe test, and I’ll also be sharing workout tips to help me get this big ole’ booty all slim and svelte.

Speaking of workouts, I’m meeting up with Buck Bacon for a personal training session. *Squeals*

I think I may have mentioned my little crush on him. I mean, he’s just so inspirational and passionate about what he does, unlike Tony, whose soul probably dies a little every day when he clocks in at his boring accounting job… yet he refuses to leave it and I just can’t respect that.

He could be so much more if he only tried. (Avonda always says to not fall in love with a guy’s potential and that’s exactly what my dumbass did!) 

Now here I am, stuck in a relationship that doesn’t fulfill me but afraid to leave because I’ve invested so much time.


I know, I know, not everybody has an engaging personality, ambition, a great smile, and a hot body like Buck…. but at least work with what you’ve got! Damn!

Anyway, enough about these men. I’m going to finish up this recipe then go pick out some cute workout outfits. 

So I’m making keto cookies and for this, I need 1 tablespoon of butter.

*Looks in the fridge*

I swear I just brought a stick of grass-fed butt– oh wait… @#$% Tony!!

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